Results for 'Jaime C. Bulatao'

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  1. The Ateneo Destroyed and Set Free.Jaime C. Bulatao - 2000 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 4 (1):197-215.
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    Ethical Issues and Concerns of a Clinical Investigator.Jaime C. Montoya - 2008 - Asian Bioethics Review:64-66.
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  3. The Philippine National Health Research System (PNHRS), setting health research priorities.Jaime C. Montoya - 2008 - In Angeles Tan-Alora (ed.), Introduction to Health Research Ethics: Philippine Health Research Ethics Board. Philippine National Health Research System.
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  4. Silvina del Carmen Laya: Determined Mentor and Reluctant''Mentee''.Jaime C. Laya - 2010 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 14 (2 & 3):335-344.
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    Perceptions on Undue Inducement for Participation in Clinical Trials in the Philippines.Jaime C. Montoya - 2014 - Asian Bioethics Review 6 (1):8-22.
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    Control Room Operators’ Cue Utilization Predicts Cognitive Resource Consumption During Regular Operational Tasks.Daniel Sturman, Mark W. Wiggins, Jaime C. Auton, Shayne Loft, William S. Helton, Johanna I. Westbrook & Jeffrey Braithwaite - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Corporate Wrongdoing.John Lipinski, Adele Queiroz, Jaime C. Rubin & M. J. Paula Soruco - 2005 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 16:263-266.
    This paper aims at exploring the relationship between corporate wrongdoing and CEOs’careers. We hypothesize that the managerial labor market does not punish CEOs of companies involved with wrongdoing. The analysis of data on 16 companies charged by the SEC supports this hypothesis.
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    Barratt Impulsivity in Healthy Adults Is Associated with Higher Gray Matter Concentration in the Parietal Occipital Cortex that Represents Peripheral Visual Field.Jaime S. Ide, Hsiang C. Tung, Cheng-Ta Yang, Yuan-Chi Tseng & Chiang-Shan R. Li - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Evaluating Fractional PID Control in a Nonlinear MIMO Model of a Hydroelectric Power Station.O. A. Rosas-Jaimes, G. A. Munoz-Hernandez, G. Mino-Aguilar, J. Castaneda-Camacho & C. A. Gracios-Marin - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-15.
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    Why is it crucial to reintegrate pathology into cancer research?Jaime Rodriguez-Canales, Franziska C. Eberle, Elaine S. Jaffe & Michael R. Emmert-Buck - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (7):490-498.
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  11. Migration: The Controversies and the Evidence.Riccardo C. Faini, Jaime de Melo & Klaus Zimmermann (eds.) - 1999 - Cambridge University Press.
    This 1999 volume takes a critical look at the current divide over immigration policies. It hopes to shed light on the debate by bringing together papers that investigate the link between trade and factor mobility, particularly labour migration, from theoretical and empirical perspectives. It examines the substitutability between trade and migration, the impact of regional integration on the location of economic activity, the role of public goods provisions, and the political economy of migration. Several papers quantify the link between trade, (...)
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    Unnecessary Frills: Communality as a Nice (But Expendable) Trait in Leaders.Andrea C. Vial & Jaime L. Napier - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:381384.
    Although leader role expectations appear to have become relatively more compatible with stereotypically feminine attributes like empathy, women continue to be highly underrepresented in leadership roles. We posit that one reason for this disparity is that, whereas stereotypically feminine traits are appreciated as nice “add-ons” for leaders, it is stereotypically masculine attributes that are valued as the defining qualities of the leader role, especially by men (who are often the gatekeepers to these roles). We assessed men’s and women’s idea of (...)
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    Neurophysiological Correlates of Gait in the Human Basal Ganglia and the PPN Region in Parkinson’s Disease.Rene Molina, Chris J. Hass, Kristen Sowalsky, Abigail C. Schmitt, Enrico Opri, Jaime A. Roper, Daniel Martinez-Ramirez, Christopher W. Hess, Kelly D. Foote, Michael S. Okun & Aysegul Gunduz - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  14. 'Peirce-pectives' on Metaphysics and the Sciences.Susan Haack, Rosa Mayorga, Jaime Nubiola, Cornelis de Waal, Deborah G. Mayo, Robert G. Meyers, Joseph C. Pitt & Nicholas Rescher - 2005 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 41 (2):237-365.
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    Importancia de Los individuos.William James, Luisa Fernanda Jiménez Jiménez & Lucas C. Céspedes Jaime - 2022 - Humanitas Hodie 4 (1):H41a6.
    Nota introductoria William James nació el 11 de enero de 1842 en Nueva York, Estados Unidos, para después convertirse en filósofo, psicólogo y médico de la Universidad de Harvard. En cuanto a sus aportes, se considera como el precursor de la psicología funcional y sus desarrollos en la epistemología pragmatista son aún relevantes dada la amplitud de sus tesis. En paralelo, James defendió un humanismo característico de su época y, en contra del canon filosófico tradicional, propuso una defensa para el (...)
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  16. C. S. Peirce and the Hispanic Philosophy of the Twentieth Century.Jaime Nubiola - 1998 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 24 (1):31-49.
    A surprising fact in the historiography of the Hispanic philosophy of this century is its almost total opacity towards the American philosophy, in spite of the real affinity between the central questions of American pragmatism and the topics addressed by the most relevant Hispanic thinkers of the century: Unamuno, Ortega y Gasset, d'Ors, Vaz Ferreira. In this paper that situation is studied, paying special attention to Charles S. Peirce, his personal connections with the Hispanic world, the reception of his texts (...)
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  17. El estudio de C. S. Peirce en el mundo hispánico.Jaime Nubiola - 2019 - In John Alexander Cruz Morales, Lorena Ham & Arnold Oostra (eds.), Universales relativos. Festschrift Zalamea 2019. pp. 97-104.
    Es realmente un honor y un gusto para mí poder acompañar a Fernando Zalamea y a sus numerosos discípulos en la celebración de sus 60 años. En mi breve texto, deseo dar noticia de su colaboración con nuestro Grupo de Estudios Peirceanos y del importantísimo catálogo que constituye la Bibliografía Peirceana Hispánica (1883- 2000) por él preparada y que publicamos en un volumen conjunto en el año 2006 [Nubiola & Zalamea 2006].
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  18. C. S. Peirce and G. M. Searle: The Hoax of Infallibilism.Jaime Nubiola - 2008 - Cognitio 9 (1):73-84.
    George M. Searle (1839-1918) and Charles S. Peirce worked together in the Coast Survey and the Harvard Observatory during the decade of 1860: both scientists were assistants of Joseph Winlock, the director of the Observatory. When in 1868 George, a convert to Catholicism, left to enter the Paulist Fathers, he was replaced by his brother Arthur Searle. George was ordained as a priest in 1871, was a lecturer of Mathematics and Astronomy at the Catholic University of America, and became the (...)
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    Peirce y el mundo hispánico: Lo que C.S. Peirce dijo sobre España y lo que el mundo hispánico ha dicho sobre Peirce.Jaime Nubiola - 2006 - Barañain: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra. Edited by Fernando Zalamea.
    La obra de Charles S. Peirce (1839-1914), considerado por muchos como un filósofo del siglo XIX para el siglo XXI, constituye una verdadera mina de aportaciones originales para entender el complejo y cambiante mundo que nos rodea. Gracias a un permanente empeño de colaboración, los autores de este libro han podido observar el conjunto de una situación dada alrededor de Peirce, concentrándose específicamente en el vaivén comunicativo producido alrededor de la díada Peirce-Mundo Hispánico. En la primera parte se contiene la (...)
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    Introduction: semiotricity.Jaime Nubiola, Pascal Bordes & Raúl Martínez-Santos - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (248):1-8.
    Résumé Considéré comme l’action individuelle par excellence, le dribble renvoie le plus souvent à l’exercice d’une maîtrise technique que seuls quelques protagonistes d’exceptions sont à même d’exécuter. Cette image purement descriptive, centrée sur le seul pratiquant, n’entretient qu’un lointain rapport avec la réalité de ce qui constitue la raison d’être profonde de cette action motrice. Le dribble, entendue comme un acte qui consiste à conduire un objet, – une balle, un palet –, en alternant des temps de contact et de (...)
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    Signe, science et jeux sportif : esquisse de sémiotricité triadique.Jaime Nubiola & Raúl Martínez-Santos - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (248):77-103.
    Résumé Depuis 1959, Pierre Parlebas tente de développer une éducation physique scientifique centrée sur la personne qui se meut et non plus sur le mouvement produit ou observé. La pierre angulaire de ce virage copernicien est un concept plein de résonances sémiologiques: la conduite motrice, entendue comme « organisation signifiante du comportement moteur ». En fait, sa proposition pédagogique est toujours allée de pair avec un projet épistémologique dont le noyau dur est une sémiologie de la motricité, c’est à dire (...)
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    El estudio de C. S. Peirce en el mundo hispánico.Jaime Nubiola - 2019 - In John Alexander Cruz Morales, Lorena Ham & Arnold Oostra (eds.), Universales relativos. Festschrift Zalamea 2019. pp. 97-104.
    Es realmente un honor y un gusto para mí poder acompañar a Fernando Zalamea y a sus numerosos discípulos en la celebración de sus 60 años. En mi breve texto, deseo dar noticia de su colaboración con nuestro Grupo de Estudios Peirceanos y del importantísimo catálogo que constituye la Bibliografía Peirceana Hispánica (1883- 2000) por él preparada y que publicamos en un volumen conjunto en el año 2006 [Nubiola & Zalamea 2006].
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  23. (1 other version)C. S. Peirce: La vita della scienza e il desiderio di apprendere.Jaime Nubiola - 2016 - In C. S. Peirce: la vita della scienza e il desiderio di apprendere. pp. 115-129.
    This text highlights not only how highly Charles S. Peirce esteems philosophical study, but also the close connection between philosophy and science, something he always emphasized. For Peirce, as for medieval scholars, philosophy —even metaphysics— should be pursued with a scientific attitude. I believe following his counsel here is essential to thinking about how philosophy should be taught today. -/- My exposition is divided into four sections: 1) A brief presentation of Peirce, focusing on his work as a professional scientist (...)
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  24. (8 other versions)Stepping Beyond the Newtonian Paradigm in Biology. Towards an Integrable Model of Life: Accelerating Discovery in the Biological Foundations of Science.Plamen L. Simeonov, Edwin Brezina, Ron Cottam, Andreé C. Ehresmann, Arran Gare, Ted Goranson, Jaime Gomez-­‐Ramirez, Brian D. Josephson, Bruno Marchal, Koichiro Matsuno, Robert S. Root-­Bernstein, Otto E. Rössler, Stanley N. Salthe, Marcin Schroeder, Bill Seaman & Pridi Siregar - 2012 - In Plamen L. Simeonov, Leslie S. Smith & Andrée C. Ehresmann (eds.), Integral Biomathics: Tracing the Road to Reality. Springer. pp. 328-427.
    The INBIOSA project brings together a group of experts across many disciplines who believe that science requires a revolutionary transformative step in order to address many of the vexing challenges presented by the world. It is INBIOSA’s purpose to enable the focused collaboration of an interdisciplinary community of original thinkers. This paper sets out the case for support for this effort. The focus of the transformative research program proposal is biology-centric. We admit that biology to date has been more fact-oriented (...)
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    MONTES, C.: Creatividad y Estilo, Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, 1989, 150 págs.Jaime Nubiola - 1989 - Anuario Filosófico 22 (2):199-201.
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    Presentación: C.S. Peirce y K.R. Popper: Filosofía de la ciencia del siglo XX.Jaime Nubiola - 2001 - Anuario Filosófico:9-11.
  27. What reasonableness really is.Jaime Nubiola - 2009 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 45 (2):125-134.
    The article focuses on the concept of reasonableness as described by American philosopher Charles S. Peirce in his writings dating between 1899 and 1908. Pierce's writings considered by the author are found in the books "Contributions to The Nation," vols. 1-4, edited by K. L. Ketner and J. E. Cook, and "Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce," vols. 1-8, edited by C. Hartshorne, P. Weiss and A. W. Burks. The author considers 20th century Western philosophies of reason, pragmatism, scientism, thirdness, (...)
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  28. C. S. Peirce: Pragmatism and Logicism.Jaime Nubiola - 1996 - Philosophia Scientiae 1 (2):109-119.
    This paper has two separate aims, with obvious links between them. First, to present Charles S. Peirce and the pragmatist movement in a historical framework which stresses the close connections of pragmatism with the mainstream of philosophy; second, to deal with a particular controversial issue, that of the supposed logicistic orientation of Peirce's work.
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  29. Societal-Level Versus Individual-Level Predictions of Ethical Behavior: A 48-Society Study of Collectivism and Individualism.David A. Ralston, Carolyn P. Egri, Olivier Furrer, Min-Hsun Kuo, Yongjuan Li, Florian Wangenheim, Marina Dabic, Irina Naoumova, Katsuhiko Shimizu, María Teresa Garza Carranza, Ping Ping Fu, Vojko V. Potocan, Andre Pekerti, Tomasz Lenartowicz, Narasimhan Srinivasan, Tania Casado, Ana Maria Rossi, Erna Szabo, Arif Butt, Ian Palmer, Prem Ramburuth, David M. Brock, Jane Terpstra-Tong, Ilya Grison, Emmanuelle Reynaud, Malika Richards, Philip Hallinger, Francisco B. Castro, Jaime Ruiz-Gutiérrez, Laurie Milton, Mahfooz Ansari, Arunas Starkus, Audra Mockaitis, Tevfik Dalgic, Fidel León-Darder, Hung Vu Thanh, Yong-lin Moon, Mario Molteni, Yongqing Fang, Jose Pla-Barber, Ruth Alas, Isabelle Maignan, Jorge C. Jesuino, Chay-Hoon Lee, Joel D. Nicholson, Ho-Beng Chia, Wade Danis, Ajantha S. Dharmasiri & Mark Weber - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 122 (2):283–306.
    Is the societal-level of analysis sufficient today to understand the values of those in the global workforce? Or are individual-level analyses more appropriate for assessing the influence of values on ethical behaviors across country workforces? Using multi-level analyses for a 48-society sample, we test the utility of both the societal-level and individual-level dimensions of collectivism and individualism values for predicting ethical behaviors of business professionals. Our values-based behavioral analysis indicates that values at the individual-level make a more significant contribution to (...)
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  30. (1 other version)C. S. Peirce y la abducción de Dios.Jaime Nubiola - 2004 - Tópicos 27:73-94.
    La atención relativamente escasa que los estudiosos del filósofo y científico norteamericano Charles S. Peirce (1839-1914) han prestado a lo largo de los años a las dimensiones religiosas de su pensamiento siempre me ha parecido cuando menos sorprendente. Desde mis primeras lecturas de Peirce me impresionó profundamente esa desatención que tanto contrastaba con la ubicuidad de las referencias religiosas en los escritos de Peirce, especialmente en sus años de madurez. En mis encuentros con reconocidos estudiosos peirceanos solía preguntarles acerca de (...)
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    WRIGHT, C., Realism, Meaning and Truth, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1987, 386 págs.Jaime Nubiola - 1987 - Anuario Filosófico:255-257.
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    Stepping Beyond the Newtonian Paradigm in Biology. Towards an Integrable Model of Life: Accelerating Discovery in the Biological Foundations of Science.Plamen L. Simeonov, Edwin Brezina, Ron Cottam, Andreé C. Ehresmann, Arran Gare, Ted Goranson, Jaime Gomez-­‐Ramirez, Brian D. Josephson, Bruno Marchal, Koichiro Matsuno, Robert S. Root-­Bernstein, Otto E. Rössler, Stanley N. Salthe, Marcin Schroeder, Bill Seaman & Pridi Siregar - 2012 - In Plamen L. Simeonov, Leslie S. Smith & Andrée C. Ehresmann (eds.), Integral Biomathics: Tracing the Road to Reality. Springer. pp. 328-427.
    The INBIOSA project brings together a group of experts across many disciplines who believe that science requires a revolutionary transformative step in order to address many of the vexing challenges presented by the world. It is INBIOSA’s purpose to enable the focused collaboration of an interdisciplinary community of original thinkers. This paper sets out the case for support for this effort. The focus of the transformative research program proposal is biology-centric. We admit that biology to date has been more fact-oriented (...)
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  33. Presentación de "C. S. Peirce y K. R. Popper: Filosofía de la ciencia del siglo XX".Jaime Nubiola - 2001 - Anuario Filosófico 34 (69):9-12.
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  34. Wright, C., "Realism, Meaning and Truth". [REVIEW]Jaime Nubiola - 1987 - Anuario Filosófico 20 (1):255.
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  35. Peirce's Account of Assertion.Jaime Alfaro Iglesias - 2016 - Dissertation, University of São Paulo
    One usually makes assertions by means of uttering indicative sentences like “It is raining”. However, not every utterance of an indicative sentence is an assertion. For example, in uttering “I will be back tomorrow”, one might be making a promise. What is to make an assertion? C.S. Peirce held the view that “to assert a proposition is to make oneself responsible for its truth” (CP 5.543). In this thesis, I interpret Peirce’s view of assertion and I evaluate Peirce’s reasons for (...)
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    (1 other version)A Plea for a Peircean Turn in Analytic Philosophy.Jaime Nubiola - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 2:20-26.
    Criticisms of analytic philosophy have increased in intensity in the last decade, denouncing specifically its closing in on itself, which results in barrenness and ignorance of real human problems. The thought of C. S. Peirce is proposed as a fruitful way of renewing the analytic tradition and obviating these criticisms. While this paper is largely a reflection on Hilary Putnam’s study of the historical development of analytic philosophy, not only can some of its main roots be traced back to Peirce, (...)
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  37. Abduction or the Logic of Surprise.Jaime Nubiola - 2005 - Semiotica 2005 (153 - 1/4):117-130.
    Charles S. Peirce (1839-1914) made relevant contributions to deductive logic, but he was primarily interested in the logic of science, and more especially in what he called 'abduction' (as opposed to deduction and induction), which is the process whereby hypotheses are generated in order to explain the surprising facts. Indeed, Peirce considered abduction to be at the heart not only of scientific research, but of all ordinary human activities. Nevertheless, in spite of Peirce's work and writings in the field of (...)
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  38. Il lume naturale: Abduction and God.Jaime Nubiola - 2004 - Semiotiche 1 (2):91-102.
    The aim of my paper is to highlight that for Peirce the reality of God makes sense of the whole scientific enterprise. The belief in God is a natural product of abduction, of the "rational instinct" or educated guess of the scientist or the layman, and also the abduction of God may be understood as a "proof" of pragmatism. Moreover, I want to suggest that for Peirce scientific activity is a genuine religious enterprise, perhaps even the religious activity par excellence, (...)
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    Thermal-mechanical analysis of the briquetting machine segments in steel industries.Saul Jaimes - 2020 - Minerva 1 (1):43-57.
    A thermal-mechanical analysis of the behavior of the segments of the rollers of the briquetting machines is carried out due to the effect of thermal shock and efforts exerted on the part. It is intended to obtain the main causes that generate this problem, through a mechanical analysis that simulated the behavior in the presence of several thermal gradients. The purpose of the study is to reduce maintenance costs and the continuous replacement and repair of segments, as well as losses (...)
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  40. (1 other version)Ciencia y metafísica en Charles S. Peirce y Alfred N. Whitehead.Jaime Nubiola - 2016 - SCIO. Revista de Filosofía 12:81-98.
    The aim of this article is to describe in some detail the actual relationship between Charles S. Peirce and Alfred N. Whitehead, paying particular attention to the Peircean notions of science and metaphysics, with the conviction that this contrast can help to understand better the scope and depth of C. S. Peirce’s thought.
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  41. Leer hoy «Reason in Common Sense» de Santayana.Jaime Nubiola - 2017 - Limbo 37:11-34.
    In this article I pay attention to some of the reviews that Reason in Common Sense of George Santayana received from some of the most outstanding philosophers of his time: E. Albee, J. Dewey, A.W. Moore, G. E. Moore, C. S. Peirce and F. C S. Schiller. My paper is arranged in six sections: 1) Biographical circumstances of Reason in Common Sense; 2) Peirce’s reading of Santayana; 3) The reviews of John Dewey; 4) Other readers of Reason in Common Sense; (...)
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    The Cosmopolitan Peirce: The Impact of his European Experience.Jaime Nubiola - 2014 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 50 (3):425.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Cosmopolitan Peirce:The Impact of His European ExperienceJaime Nubiola, Guest EditorKeywordsCharles S. Peirce, Europe, ScienceThe common image of Charles Sanders Peirce as an isolated thinker writing in Arisbe without any contact with the world is not only historically inaccurate, but also makes it difficult to understand some key elements of his philosophy. Charles S. Peirce traveled to Europe on five different occasions. The five trips occurred between the years (...)
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  43. La visión pragmatista de C.S. Peirce sobre la aserción.Jaime Alfaro Iglesias - 2017 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 71:123-136.
    C.S. Peirce defended a pragmatist view of assertion in terms of its normative effect. This paper has two goals. First, to reconstruct and assess Peirce’s argument for the thesis that to assert a proposition is to make oneself responsible for its truth. Second, to argue that Peirce interpreted “responsibility for truth” as the acquisition of a dialogical commitment, namely, the duty to defend the proposition asserted by giving reasons upon challenge.
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  44. Peirce and Whitehead.Jaime Nubiola - 2008 - In Michel Weber and Will Desmond (ed.), Handbook of Whiteheadian Process Thought. De Gruyter.
    This entry is a presentation of C. S. Peirce and of his connections with A. N. Whitehead. Also Whitehead's connections with Peirce are explored.
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  45. (1 other version)Charles Peirce and the Hispanic World.Jaime Nubiola - 2009 - APA Newsletter on Hispanic/Latino Issues in Philosophy 8 (2).
    The aim of this paper is to describe the situation of mutual ignorance between American and Hispanic philosophical traditions, paying special attention to the figure and thought of the founder of pragmatism, Charles S. Peirce (1839-1914). In order to do this, first of all I will justify the usage of the expression "Hispanic Philosophy", highlighting its heuristic and practical value. Secondly, I will discuss some of Peirce's comments in relation with the Hispanic world. And finally, by way of conclusion, I (...)
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  46. Teaching Peirce in Spain.Jaime Nubiola - 2008 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 44 (2):219-222.
    In Spain, Peirce's thought has generally remained almost unknown throughout the syllabi of the various Licentiate programs offered. The only exceptions are the degrees of Linguistic, Communication Studies, and Philosophy, in which Peirce's semiotics is normally only alluded to or cursorily presented. Much the same could be said of Latin America. There is evidence, however, that this situation is beginning to change: translations into Spanish are now appearing, particularly in the web, which make a notable amount of Peirce’s vast production (...)
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  47. Walker Percy and Charles S. Peirce: Abduction and Language.Jaime Nubiola - 1998 - Homepage des Arbeitskreises für Abduktionsforschung.
    The American novelist Walker Percy (1916-90) considered himself a "thief of Peirce", because he found in the views of C.S. Peirce, the founder of pragmatism, an alternative approach to prevailing reductionist theories in order to understand what we human beings are and what the peculiar nature of our linguistic activity is. -/- This paper describes, quoting widely from Percy, how abduction is the spontaneous activity of our reason by which we couple meanings and experience in our linguistic expressions. This coupling (...)
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  48. Translating Charles S. Peirce’s Letters: A Creative and Cooperative Experience.Jaime Nubiola & Sara Barrena - 2018 - In E. B. Ghizzi (ed.), Sementes de Pragmatismo na Contemporaneidade: Homenagem a Ivo Assad Ibri. Editora FiloCzar.
    In this article we wish to share the work in which the Group of Peirce Studies of the University of Navarra has been involved since 2007: the study of a very interesting part of the extensive correspondence of Charles S. Peirce, specifically, his European letters. Peirce wrote some of these letters over the course of his five trips to Europe (between 1870 and 1883), and wrote others to the many European scientists and intellectuals he communicated with over the course of (...)
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  49. Juan Luis Vives y Charles S. Peirce.Jaime Nubiola - 1993 - Anuario Filosófico 26 (1):155-166.
    Connections between J.L.Vives and C.S. Peirce are shown. Not only is reflec-tion on language and meaning central in both thinkers, but Peirce also knew Vives' thought especially through W. Hamilton and the Scottish common sense school. Peirce credited Vives with being a forerunner of the use of dia-grams in logic, and both share a critical view of late medieval nominalistic logicians and a social and hierarchical conception of knowledge.
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    Julio BORGES JUNYENT y Javier ORMAZÁBAL ECHEVERRÍA, LA POSMODERNIDAD EN JAQUE. UN DEBATE ENTRE C. S. LEWIS Y GIANNI VATTIMO. Libros libres. 2023. 303 pp. ISBN 9788412751413. [REVIEW]Jaime Vilarroig Martin - 2024 - Relectiones 11:1-3.
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